Attitude of Gratitude

and Kick Butt!!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

4 weeks postop...and still fightin....

thanks to everyone who has been praying and keeps my recovery in their prayers. i also want to thank my work peers for staying in touch; my neighbors as well, and my church family who have been awesome in coming by the cleaning my front yard and demossing my lime-green driveway! :)

being at 4 weeks postop, i'm doing ok. this has been a long road, i will not lie. a couple of days ago my friend found a blog site written by a man who had a similar surgery as mine in which he validated all the ills i've had since being home till now. it was such a God send as it totally validated the condition, my condition is in. :)

i continue to be very weak; does not take much to wear me out. i have driven myself to church, which is less than a mile down the road! :) and a friend has gotten me out to a movie. i still don't have an appetite and my digestive system is completely foreign to me now.

but there is good news....i have prayed double triple hard for the Lord to heal me, as only He can. and i am helping the best i can be eating as healthy as i can. so i have adjusted my diet to only 'alive' things: fruits/vegetables, organic, etc. not only in an effort to help God heal my body, but to also prepare my body for chemotherapy, if i opt to use it. i would want to/need to start working at some point and can't do so if i continue to be as weak as i am. so prayers along this line are very helpful. :)

in the meantime i am beginning a journey of how to let people help me. i have been in a giving position for all of my career as a nurse, and has a human being. and now i need help from others: grocery shopping, vacuuming, staking wood, cleaning my yard...sheesh! but the toughest part will be in opening my hands and letting people help. so, here i go...

here's to good health! and here's too receiving love!
God bless everyone

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